Virtual Photographic Contest
16 February 2025
Gahanna Library
Non-Revenue / MOW

Submit your photos starting  now to: Recording Contest Chair Chair
Photo submission will close at 7:30 pm, Tuseday, February 11th.

Voting will begin at 12:01 AM, Wednesday, February 12th via email.

Send your vote for the top three photos, by photo number, to Contest Chair Chair

Voting will end at 7:00 PM, Thursday, February 13th.

Winners will be announced on the WEB, Facebook, and on Monday.

Photo can be of either the prototype or model and must have been taken my the member entering the photo.

Examples would: include M-O-W/Work Car, Speeders, Business Car, etc. Caboose is a separate category.

The Contest Chair would like for entrants to submit a short write up about the photo as there seems to be interest in the story behind the photos.

Click on the photo below to see a photo that can expand to fit your monitor.

All photograghs are copyrighted by the entrant.

Link to Model Contest Entry
Photo 1